Sunday, April 20, 2008

Thing #23

1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
There were several discoveries that I know will continue to use over and over again. I love Photostory3, the ability to create videos so easily and then upload to TeacherTube is so awesome-I can't wait to share this activity with my students. I've also enjoyed finding social networking websites with interests that I share and connecting to others who are in my profession.

2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
This experience has helped me to learn more about the web therefore continuing my learning. I am no longer afraid to discover and try out new online tools. I'm always telling my students that I learn new things every day and this gave me an opportunity to practice what I preach-I look forward to discovering the next 23things.

3. Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
Oh how much was out on the web I had no clue existed. One unexpected outcome, TeacherTube, like everyone else I knew about YouTube but how great to have website with educational videos and the ability to post your own.

4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
I would say promote it more to teachers and principals on all campuses. I don't think a lot of teachers understand or even know about the program. To get more involvement in the program, maybe assign one topic for teachers to explore each month-concentrating on the tools they would be most likely benefit from and incorporate into their classroom.

5. If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate?
Yes.....even though it took time and perseverance to complete the 23things. I learned so much and I want to learn so much more about the web.

6. How would you describe your learning experience in ONE WORD or in ONE SENTENCE, so we could use your words to promote 23 Things learning activities?
Eye-Opening, Informative and Exciting!!

Thing #22

Nings are a great place to meet, communicate and collaborate others who are in your profession. I found it a great way to learn new ideas, there is so much information on these websites that it can be overwhelming.

I like the social networking aspect, I can read message boards, blogs and discover new lessons anonymously or join in the fun. I would put links to the teacher nings on the library web page or blog for teachers to discover, we all need a place to go to where we can connect with others.

Thing #21

This activity was so much fun! I used Photostory3 to create my video, it was extremely easy to follow the directions and uploading to TeacherTube was even easier. I could see using this to help students create videos on book reviews, science projects and the Civil War Debate. I made a video on the annual 5th grade field trip to Camp Cho-Yeh. I can use it to show kids what to expect and how much fun we have each year.

Thing #20

There are tons of videos to explore on YouTube and TeacherTube-you could spend hours and hours just enjoying the creativity of so many people. I was very familiar with YouTube already. I use it all the time to view performances I've missed on tv or even to look for funny videos to send to family and friends. So for this assignment I chose to investigate TeacherTube. I learned about this cool website from one of my grad classes. I was amazed at how many educational and teaching videos were available for use. What's so awesome is that a lot of the videos are done by students, which is so inspiring to see them take ownership of their learning. I found this really cool video on the water cycle-I plan on stealing this idea for next year and trying out something similar to it with my students.

Thing #19

Wow....what a great way to discover what's out on the web! Web2.0 awards page organizes and evaluates websites in one place. I found several websites that I bookmarked for further investigating. 43 things is one website I plan on join-it's a place to write and share your goals and find others who may share some of those goals, and they cheer you on to achieving them. I had lots of fun playing around with the

As with many things I've discovered through 23things, you could spend hours investigating all the websites listed. As far as future use, here is a place where the best of the web is organized in one place and I can find online tools for teachers, students and the community.

Thing #18

OpenOffice is great tool to use for FREE! I have two computers at home-a laptop with Vista and a desktop ( 7yrs old) which only has Microsoft Word on it. I couldn't create spreadsheets and power point documents at home. Now I can download openoffice and use it anytime. I played around with the Calc. document and found it relatively easy to use.

An advantage of using OpenOffice, no longer having to pay a extremely high price for the use of productivity tools. I think that's probably why my desktop doesn't have the whole office suite. I have used GoogleDocs and love it! The great thing about GoogleDocs, you can publish the page and it's out on the web.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Thing #17

Posting in the sandbox was fun and easy thing to do. It was even more fun reading about everyone else's experience with Library2.0 and wikis. Wikis are great tools to use for communication and collaboration. I could see using a wiki in the library with teachers to set up visits to the library-having them sign up for a particular lesson, like how to blog, what are wikis or how to make a podcast.

I shared what I learned about wikis with my mom. I thought it would be a great way my parents to communicate with their RV group-they're always going to rallies and everyone is responsible for bringing something, now they can see who is bring what and what is needed.

Thing #16

I learned about Wikis through my current library science class. It's a great way to collaborate with other when you just don't have the time to meet regularly. We used a Wiki to help prepare and organize information for our midterm. What's great about it is that everyone can add and share information easily. At my school, the librarian set up a wiki for teachers to collaborate on changing the current AR award program. There were lots of emails from teachers asking "what is a wiki?" I learned from that experience that it's important to educate your campus first about wikis, how to use it and encourage teachers to explore using it in their classrooms.

I could see using it share what's happening in library, voting on bluebonnet books, schedules for library and computer labs. I look forward to exploring more ways to use a wiki in a library program.

Thing #15

Before starting grad school to become a librarian, I thought I was pretty tech savvy. I knew about blogs, Myspace, free photo hosting websites and even how to set up your own website for free-my whole view has changed. I am amazed at how much is out there on the web for everyone to use and feel overwhelmed at how much more I have to learn. Since starting 23things, I have learned about so many things I want to share with others and I look forward to using them in my classroom.

Library2.0 to me represents what I need to do to stay connected to the needs of my users-students, teachers and community. As a future librarian, I have to look beyond staying updated on current books, periodicals and reference materials. My world has to expand to include technology and make a commitment to continue my education of the web. Our students today are so technology advanced that in order to meet their needs, we have to work toward providing them the opportunities and resources to further their education. I have to model being a life-long learner to ensure that my students and teachers view themselves as one too.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thing #14

Ok...I claimed my blog on Technorati and added a widget. I put in several key words to search for blogs that would be of interest to me-didn't find anything that I would want to read daily. I feel like I will have to spend more time playing around with the site and hopefully find some interesting blogs to add to my favorites. I'm not sure exactly how useful this would be to me as librarian. I could see searching for author blogs or blogs by librarians and teachers.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thing #13

I really like the idea of bookmarking network. I can't count how many times I wished I had my bookmark of favorite websites from my computer when visiting my parents or out of town. I did find the site to be a little confusing and plan on spending more time trying to import my bookmarks. I was able to add the and tag button to my toolbar. I could see using it to bookmark useful websites and blogs for teachers to access anywhere.

Thing #12

I really like rollyo and had a lot fun creating a searchroll. This could be very useful in the library-creating a seachroll for teachers of popular websites or blogs to find lesson plans. I created a searchroll for my favorite activity shopping.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Thing #11

I'm very familiar with Library Thing. I found out about it by reading a blog of a fellow classmate. It's a great way to share your favorite books with others and find new books to read. I could see using it on a library blog to share new books with students, teachers and parents. I would put it on the school's website to share Bluebonnet books for the school year and previous years.

I added my favorite books as a child and books that I have enjoyed reading in the last couple of years. I just recently added Philippa Gregory books since I am obsessed with reading her whole collection. It would be fun to look at what other books librarians are reading or could be of interest to your students.

Thing #10

I found this a really fun activity to do. I could see using this in the classroom with students. They could create cartoons to share new concepts and vocabulary. It would be very important to monitor the student's use of the cartoon generator due to several images that could be considered inapproporiate.

I like the fake magazine cover generator. Just like comic strip generator- it would be great to use in the classroom but you would have to monitor students. I could see using this in science and social studies-especially when we do the endangered animal webquest.

Make your own free clipart like this @ with free web based tools (hundreds of image generators that run through a web broswer, no software to buy or install).
Made with free image tools @

Thing #9

Blogs and such....I explored Technorati and Google Blog Search. I found Google Blog Search really easy to use and found several blogs to add to my Google reader. I added blogs from Library to Play and a couple of blogs on British "Chick" literature. Hopefully, I will remember to check my reader and stay up to date on new posts. I tried Technorati but I found it a little confusing to use and would like to spend more time exploring it.

I added several of the Edublog's award winners. I really enjoyed reading The Cool Cat Teacher Blog and plan on creating my own circle.